Depending on in-game events (events that you might not have any control over whatsoever) public support for a particular faction will go up. Any game that hopes to call itself a strategy game should have some kind of political system and the one in Endless Space two has promised significant improvement over its predecessor. Politics has gotten a boost, and this was a long time coming. They'll follow the path you've set for them and will reveal everything they come across to you, reducing the need for you to risk your precious ships. Probes are something in game that you can either buy or make at some point early in the game which will travel out into the galaxy a certain distance each turn. In the first Endless Space, if you wanted to explore the galaxy you had to take fleets along through wormholes and hope nothing really bad was waiting on the other side for you.

One of the bigger changes that we know of is how we explore the galaxy now teeming with alien-ish life. Taking a quick look at some of the minor factions has proven to be immensely rewarding in my mind, as it seems that Amplitude has taken a note from Endless Legend and really fleshed them out. A little more diversity in the galaxy helps for realism and immersion, something that I fervently support in my games especially if they happen to be in the role playing category. A quick look over the faction list from the first Endless Space shows that it was a little bit too human-looking. One assumes to make room for new major factions, such as the Vodyani. For example, the Hissho were downgraded from a major faction to a minor one. There have been several shakeups in the faction rosters from Endless space to Endless Space 2. But I'll try to cover everything we do know right now. Fun fun, but why don't we take a look back at what we know about Amplitude Studios latest product? Keep in mind, it's been in development for two years and there's still quite a bit that we don't know.

On October 6th Endless Space 2 goes into early access.