Fallout 4 psycho jet
Fallout 4 psycho jet

fallout 4 psycho jet

I then discovered my favorite drug of all: Psycho Jet. That was a true worry I had, so I quickly decided to create that good-old chem station where I can start creating my own hybrid drugs to take and sell to the people who need.

fallout 4 psycho jet

But what about when Tom’s supply runs out? Tom is now a small time dealer and couldn’t be happier. As the other members of the group discouraged me from fueling her habit, I needed her drug-addled friendship, so I invited them all back to my settlement and became her main supplier. It was at this time I discovered a group in the small town of Concord, which included a little old lady named Mama Murphy, begging for drugs. So as I stripped off all my clothes and let the world gorge on the body of a middle aged, balding man with a comb-over who has the physique of Walter White in the first episodes of Breaking Bad, I went on the hunt for some fellow drug addicts and dealers whom I may call friend. But there must be more people like me out here… I had taken so much of everything my addiction screen filled with what was known of every discoverable substance in the Commonwealth. I started taking everything I could find from Psycho to Jet and Mentats to Buffout in mass quantities until I got the special message in the left hand corner of the screen, you are now addicted to whatever I was on at the time.

fallout 4 psycho jet

Then as he noticed how beautiful the desolate world full of murderous creatures got when it lit up bright with color and how murdering felt so simple with the slowed time it became much more of a need than a want. I had Tom start as just a recreational user, hitting the Jet when it was needed and inducing in Buffout anytime he needed a boost of strength and confidence. What about when the world is gone and lost as is everything you have known and loved – is it okay to get totally ripped then? That is what Tom Hiddelstein, my character from beloved game Fallout 4, took very seriously.įrom the second the bright sunlight hit Tom’s eyes as the Vault opened up and the fresh irradiated smell of the wasteland flooded his being, he decided to live this life like every day were his last, as he took sprint to find every mind-altering, time-slowing substance the Commonwealth has to offer. They ruin lives, make you a terrible person, and ruin career paths and relationships. That is what we as a culture have been told ever since we first learned to walk and talk. Psycho Jet and me: My fall from grace in the Commonwealthĭrugs are bad.

Fallout 4 psycho jet